james sandomierski 2013



Welcome to jsandomierski.net, a private "website" that I use as the front door to my digital playgrounds. This "page" is a placeholder, the "defaul.html" in the wwwroot on a public, Linux "server" assigned to my private GoDaddy hosting account. Sub-domains come and go; a few MySQL databases may be here at any given time; oddball component objects may appear and disappear at random; pretty much whatever occupies my time and attention at the time.

Oracle dBA SQL dBA Mongo dBA Informix dBA MySQL Data Engineer PostGres Data Engineer

Contact Information

Email : j a m e s(at)j s a n d o m i e r s k i(dot)n e t

Website : https://www.jsandomierski.net

Phone : (7fh) 243h - 26d9h

Address : Mesa, Arizona USA